Haze Ps3 Pkg

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Venerable Brit Outfit Free Radical, headed by 'Dr' Dave Doak who was one of the driving forces behind thumb-destroying N64 classic GoldenEye, have never been big shakes on PC. Psi-powered actioner Second Sight wasn't great, and the TimeSplitters franchise couldn't be more console-centric if it tried.

Haze, on the other hand, could redress the balance. It has you as a performance-enhancing, drug-guzzling super-soldier, owned by an evil futuro-mega-corporation known as Mantel. In fact, the set-up is practically Deus Ex - with the drug dependency of Star Trek's Jem Haddar bundled in. With four-player co-op, slick scripting, the usual wide range of environments you'd expect from the TimeSplitters chaps and many inner-musings on morality, war and such, it's better than its Pine Fresh-title would at first suggest...

Haze Ps3 Pkg

Visor Insider

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You play as Shane Carpenter, a battle-drug addled super-soldier adopted by the Mantel Corporation when your mother was killed in a terrorist attack. Terrorists that may well have links to the South American faction you're hunting down.

Motor Running

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You and your buddies have access to a fair amount of vehicular hardware. Halo-style frenetic motoring and gunning ensues, with plenty of ramps and jumps left casually lying around the landscape.

See Some Sense

Self-administration of Nectar gives you nigh-magical battle powers. Perception that lets you see your foes in an orange outline, Foresight that lets you see the damage range of grenades and Focus prompts more precise aiming.

Total Underdose

Free Radical reckon Haze has a moral backbone.At certain points, the Nectar levels in your bloodstream will dim, and you'll react to the horror of the bloody corpses you come across. Hmmm.

Shoot And Kill

Haze features scripted multiplayer missions not unlike those of TimeSplitters, which themselves are much like UT's Assault mode. Multiplayer is a speciality at Free Rad towers, though much could be lost in the transition from console.

Location, Location

There are 12 environments to fight in. We've seen swamps, factories, mountain-side observatories and plenty of jungle foliage. South America is pretty big, so they have a lot to choose from.

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Guerrilla In Our Midst

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An overdose of Nectar sends yon into an overdose frenzy. Yon won't be able to tell friend from foe, and you'll spray fire at everything - meaning that Co-op friends' may decide to sljoot yon dead.